Introducing Japanese Non-Oil Chips
While many believe that processed snack foods can be hazardous, they are also equally hard to resist. The sound of crinkly bags and the promise of crunchy and tasty satisfaction - especially from chips - help us all turn a blind eye to pesky nutrition labels. But what if there was a chip making process that made your well-being an actual priority?
WxY Foods Co. believes that snack food can be both healthy and fun. We are committed to discovering and developing new methods of producing snacks that are as satisfying as they are potentially good for you.
Currently using a proprietary method developed in Japan, and patented in all major countries including the United States, WxY Foods Co. offers a delicious, crisp, and fat-free, oil-free chip.
Yes, you read that correctly. Oil-free.
All the frying, popping, and baking aside, the method we use is the only truly certifiably oil-free chip producing method. How oil-free, you ask? If typical potatoes contain 0.3% of naturally occurring oils, then our potato chip contains no more than 0.4%. That is all.
We’ve also started developing fruit and vegetable chips that will make you rethink your chewy, dehydrated ones. Our chips are not for sale in the United States at the moment, but we are actively seeking like-minded investors to change that.
Feel free to peruse the website for more information and contact us at anytime.
WxY Foods Company | One Rockefeller Plaza, 10th Floor | New York, NY 10020 | Tel: +1.646.722.2947